
Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China

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“计算反问题与深部探测应用”短课程 | Multi-wave Imaging

  作为天元数学东北中心“计算反问题与深部探测应用”主题活动之一,University Grenoble AlpesFaouzi Triki教授将在中心开设《Multi-wave Imaging》短期课程。


授课人:Faouzi Triki

课程名称:Multi-wave Imaging



学  时:8学时

人  数:30-40人

预备知识:partial differential equations (elliptic and hyperbolic systems; variational techniques)



Recently, number of works have developed a mathematical framework for new biomedical imaging modalities based on multi-wave probe of the medium. The term multiwave imaging refers to the fact that two or more types of physical waves are used to probe the medium under study. The objective of the lecture is to introduce three multi-wave imaging modalities: photo-acoustic, electro-acoustic and electro-seismic.



Faouzi Triki is Maître de Conférences at Université Grenoble Alpes.  His research works  covers mainly two principal topics: the first is mathematical modeling and asymptotic analysis in new optical materials which is a continuation of  his Phd thesis at Ecole Polytechnique, France; and the second is inverse problems that has been initiated during his post-doctoral position at Michigan State University, USA. He is actually  an international expert in inverse scattering problems and multi-wave imaging.