A simple and efficient finite volume WENO method for hyperbolic conservation laws on unstructured meshes
报 告 人: 邱建贤 教授
所在单位: 厦门大学
报告地点: 数学学院三楼会议室
报告时间: 2018-08-21 10:00:00

In this presentation, we present a simple high order weighted essentially non- oscillatory (WENO) schemes to solve hyperbolic conservation laws. The main advantages of these schemes presented in the paper are their compactness, robustness and could maintain good convergence property for solving steady state problems. Comparing with the classical WENO schemes by{G.-S. Jiang and C.-W. Shu, J. Comput. Phys., 126 (1996), 202-228}, there are two major advantages of the new WENO schemes. The first, the associated optimal linear weights are in dependent on topological structure of meshes, can be any positive numbers with only requirement that their summation equals to one, and the second is that the new scheme is more compact and efficient than the scheme by Jiang and Shu. Extensive numerical results are provided to illustrate the good performance of these new WENO schemes.

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国际著名刊物“Journal of Computational Physics” (计算物理)编委, 厦门大学数学科学学院闽江学者、特聘教授,博士生导师,入选福建省百人计划。SCI刊物《Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications》、《Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics》编委。中国计算数学学会常务理事、福建省数学学会常务理事。在间断Galerkin有限元(DG)和加权本质无振荡(WENO)方法的研究及其在计算流体力学及工程界的应用方面取得出色成果,发表了七十多篇SCI论文,主持两项国家自然科学基金重点项目。