大数据课程II 大数据在生物医学和健康科学中的应用
报 告 人: Hulin Wu 教授
所在单位: Department of Biostatistics & Data Science
报告地点: 数学楼三楼会议室
报告时间: 2018-06-22 14:00:00

I will use real Big Data application examples from biomedical and health sciences to illustrate statisticians’ advantages and strengths to deal with Big Data problems. In particular, I will use one example from a genetic public database to illustrate a new Big Data research paradigm. The examples from an electronic health record (EHR) big database will be used to illustrate a new thinking to deal with Big Data from a practical perspective.  I expect that my talk will stimulate more thinking and discussions on how statisticians to adapt to the new era of Big Data.  

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