大数据课程I 大数据分析对传统统计学的机遇和挑战
报 告 人: Hulin Wu 教授
所在单位: Department of Biostatistics & Data Science University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston
报告地点: 数学楼三楼会议室
报告时间: 2018-06-22 09:30:00

The newly emerging concepts of Big Data and Data Science have made a very big splash among academic world, industries and governments. In particular, it has a big impact to the statisticalcommunity, since statisticians are traditionally considered as a unique profession to deal with, especially analyze data. There is a potential threat that the emerging professionals of Data Scientists may replace statisticians’ job. In this talk, I will analyze and discuss the concepts, definitions and methods of data mining, machine learning, artificial intelligence, data science and Big Data, so that we could understand the differences between the traditional statistics and the emerging field of data science. Then I will propose and discuss our strategies to identify our opportunities to face the new data science/Big Data challenges. I’ll propose some ideas on how to change our culture and training programs to meet these new challenges.

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