Colloquium系列报告|Dynamic Principal Component Analysis in High Dimensions
报 告 人: 姚方 教授
所在单位: 北京大学
报告地点: 腾讯会议:382-221-798
报告时间: 2022-12-02 10:30:00

Principal component analysis is a versatile tool to reduce dimensionality which has wide applications in statistics and machine learning. It is particularly useful for modeling data in high-dimensional scenarios where the number of variables p is comparable to, or much larger than the sample size n. Despite an extensive literature on this topic, researchers have focused on modeling static principal eigenvectors, which are not suitable for stochastic processes that are dynamic in nature. To characterize the change in the entire course of high-dimensional data collection, we propose a unified framework to directly estimate dynamic eigenvectors of covariance matrices.

Specifically, we formulate an optimization problem by combining the local linear smoothing and regularization penalty together with the orthogonality constraint, which can be effectively solved by manifold optimization algorithms. We show that our method is suitable for high-dimensional data observed under both common and irregular designs, and theoretical properties of the estimators are investigated under a range of sparsity assumptions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in both simulated and real data examples.


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姚方,国家特聘专家,北京大学讲席教授,北大统计科学中心主任,概率统计系主任。数理统计学会与美国统计学会会士。2000年本科毕业于中国科技大学统计专业,2003获得加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校统计学博士学位,曾任职于多伦多大学统计科学系长聘正教授。至今担任9个国际统计学核心期刊主编或编委,包括《加拿大统计学期刊》主编、顶级期刊《北美统计学会会刊》和 《统计年刊》的编委。