天元系列活动 | Developing Finite Element Solvers for Poroelasticity in the 2-field Approach
报 告 人: 刘江国 教授
所在单位: 美国科罗拉多州立大学
报告地点: 数学楼一楼第一报告厅
报告时间: 2019-08-23 09:30:00

This talk presents results from our recent efforts for reviving the 2-field (fluid pressure and solid displacement) approach for numerically solving poroelasticity problems on quadrilateral meshes. The Darcy equation is solved for fluid pressure by the weak Galerkin finite element methods, which establish the discrete weak gradient and numerical velocity in the Arbogast-Correa spaces. The elasticity equation is solved for solid displacement by the enriched Lagrangian elements, which were motivated by the Bernardi-Raugel elements for Stokes flow. These two types of solvers are coupled through the implicit Euler temporal discretization to solve poroelasticity. Numerical experiments on two widely tested benchmarks will be presented to demonstrate the new solvers are locking-free.  We discuss also extension to 3-dim and implementation in deal.II. This is based on a series of joint work with several collaborators.

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刘江国,美国科罗拉多州立大学学教授、博士生导师、国际SCI期刊《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》 副主编,SIAM Central States Section President,已发表学术论文40余篇,主持多项美国国家自然科学基金。