天元名家讲座|Energy Casecade for Hamiltonian Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equations
报 告 人: 雷震 教授
所在单位: 复旦大学
报告地点: 正新楼209
报告时间: 2024-07-11 15:30:00

In this talk we consider nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations with potential. We prove that spatially localized and time-periodic bound states of the linear problem may be destroyed by generic nonlinear Hamiltonian perturbations, via energy transfers from the discrete to continuum modes and slow radiation of energy to infinity. We explore the underlying mechanism (generalized Fermi's Golden Rule) of such phenomenon and give descriptions on the transfer rate in the full generality: small or large and single or multiple eigenvalues, high dimensional eigenspaces. This settles a long-standing problem raised in the paper of Soffer-Weinstein 1999, in which single and large eigenvalue case was first treated. This is a jiont work with my students Jie Liu and Zhaojie Yang.


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雷震教授主要从事源自于流体力学和数学物理的非线性偏微分方程解的定性与定量理论研究,在不可压Navier-Stokes方程、弹性与粘弹性流体力学方程、Faddeev方程、Klein-Gordon方程等研究领域做出了重要贡献。他曾获国家自然科学二等奖(第一获奖人,2020年)、第二十届中国数学会陈省身奖(2023年),首届“卓越青年研究生导师奖励基金”奖(2023 年)、科学探索奖(2022年)、上海市科技精英(2022年)、教育部“基础学科拔尖学生培养计划”实施十周年优秀导师奖(2020年)等,并入选了多项国家级高层次人才计划。雷震教授现担任复旦大学数学科学学院院长、中国工业与应用数学学会副理事长、复旦大学应用数学中心执行主任等职务,并担任《Chinese Annals of Mathematics》副主编及DCDS、CMS、CPAA等十余个国际期刊的编委。