Fast algorithms for multi-particle scattering and its inverse problem
报 告 人: 赖俊
所在单位: 浙江大学
报告地点: 吉林大学数学楼3楼会议室
报告时间: 2018-05-04 10:00:00

Electromagnetic scattering in multiple particles appears in a lot of applications, including biophysics, solar cell and metamaterial design. Given the property of a single particle, it is often desirable to obtain a composite material with a given electromagnetic response, in which fast algorithm is needed. In this talk, I will talk about numerical algorithms based on integral equations and fast multipole method to rapidly find the scattering of multiple particles in a layered medium and periodic medium. I will also discuss some recent work on the inverse scattering problem for multiple particles and three dimensional scattering from axis-symmetric objects.

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赖俊,2013年从密歇根州立大学获得应用数学博士学位,2013-2014年在纽约大学库朗研究所做博士后,2014-2016年为库朗所讲师(Courant Instructor)。2016年入选国家第十二批青年千人,并入职浙江大学数学科学学院任特聘研究员。主要的研究方向为声波和电磁散射,积分方程快速算法,数值优化等。