天元数学东北中心拟于2024年12月17日-20日举办短期课程计算谱几何导引,该短课程由加拿大 Simon Fraser 大学 Nilima Nigam 教授开授。
1、授课专家:Nilima Nigam 教授 加拿大 Simon Fraser 大学
2、课程名称:计算谱几何导引(An introduction to computational spectral geometry)
3、课程时间:2024年12月17日-12月20日 9:00-10:40, 13:30-15:10
Zoom 会议号:203 271 7634
In this course I will provide an introductory survey to the field of spectral geometry, with a focus on some interesting open problems. I will then demonstrate how numerical approaches can be used to provide insight or formulate conjectures, and sometimes also be used for proofs in spectral geometry. I will survey some important results in numerical linear algebra, shape optimization, and discretization methods as they relate to eigenvalue problems, with concrete examples.
[1] Topics in Spectral Geometry
AMS Graduate Studies in Mathematics series, volume 237, 2023.
M.Levitin, D. Mangoubi, and I.Polterovich
[2] Guaranteed Computational Methods for Self-Adjoint Differential Eigenvalue Problems / by Xuefeng Liu.Springer, 2024.
[3] Finite element approximation of eigenvalue problems, D. Boffi, Acta Numerica 2010 v.19
Professor Nilima Nigam currently serve on the editorial boards of the SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Mathematics-in-Industry Case Studies, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, SIAM News and Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models. Her research interests are in the areas of PDE and numerical analysis with applications in computational electromagnetics, mathematical physiology and mechanics.