天元数学东北中心拟于2024年12月24日-28日举办短期课程—Phase retrieval algorithms and theory,该短课程由香港科技大学蔡剑锋教授开授。
1、授课专家:蔡剑锋教授 香港科技大学
2、课程名称:Phase retrieval algorithms and theory
2024年12月24日 9:00-12:00; 13:30-17:00
2024年12月25日 9:00-12:00; 13:30-17:00
2024年12月26日 9:00-12:00; 13:30-17:00
2024年12月27日 9:00-12:00; 13:30-17:00
2024年12月28日 9:00-12:00
Phase retrieval is a technique designed to recover a signal or image from its phaseless measurements, which are often obtained through experiments or imaging systems. This problem is prevalent in various fields, including optics, X-ray crystallography, and astronomy, where the phase information is lost during the measurement process. This course will introduce recent developments in phase retrieval algorithms and their underlying theory. Specifically, we will cover convex algorithms such as PhaseLift, as well as non-convex algorithms including Wirtinger flow, amplitude flow, and Riemannian gradient descent algorithms. Additionally, we will explore the geometric landscape analysis of non-convex optimizations. From a theoretical perspective, we will focus primarily on the random Gaussian measurement model and the coded diffraction pattern model, providing a comprehensive understanding of the mathematical foundations of phase retrieval.
相位恢复是一种旨在从其无相位测量中恢复信号或图像的技术,这些无相位测量通常是通过实验或成像系统获得的。这个问题在包括光学、X 射线晶体学和天文学等多个领域中普遍存在,在这些领域中相位信息在测量过程中丢失。本课程将介绍相位恢复算法及其基础理论的最新发展。具体来说,我们将涵盖诸如 PhaseLift 等凸算法,以及包括 Wirtinger 流、幅度流和黎曼梯度下降算法等非凸算法。此外,我们还将探索非凸优化的几何景观分析。从理论角度来看,我们将主要关注随机高斯测量模型和编码衍射图案模型,用以全面理解相位恢复的数学基础。
1. Candes, E.J., Strohmer, T. and Voroninski, V., 2013. Phaselift: Exact and stable signal recovery from magnitude measurements via convex programming. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 66(8), pp.1241-1274.
2. Candes, E.J., Li, X. and Soltanolkotabi, M., 2015. Phase retrieval via Wirtinger flow: Theory and algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 61(4), pp.1985-2007.
3. Wang, G., Giannakis, G.B. and Eldar, Y.C., 2017. Solving systems of random quadratic equations via truncated amplitude flow. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 64(2), pp.773-794.
4. Sun, J., Qu, Q. and Wright, J., 2018. A geometric analysis of phase retrieval. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 18, pp.1131-1198.
5. Cai, J.F., Huang, M., Li, D. and Wang, Y., 2022. Solving phase retrieval with random initial guess is nearly as good as by spectral initialization. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 58, pp.60-84.
6. Cai, J. and Wei, K., 2024. Solving systems of phaseless equations via Riemannian optimization with optimal sampling complexity. Journal of Computational Mathematics, 42(3), pp.755-783.
蔡剑锋是香港科技大学数学系教授。主要研究兴趣为信号,图像和数据的理论和算法基础。他在矩阵恢复,图像重构和成像算法等领域,取得了一系列开创性的科研成果。其关于矩阵补全的SVT算法对学术研究和实际应用产生重要影响,该研究文章谷歌被引次数超6000次。他关于图像重构的工作发表于被誉为数学四大期刊之一的Journal of the AMS。在2017年和2018年,蔡剑锋被评为全球高被引学者,学术文章总被引超14000次。
1、 短课报名

2、 短课报到
报到时间与地点:2024年12月24日 8:30-9:00;吉林大学正新楼106教室