Tianyuan Mathematical Center in Northeast China will open the short Course " Inverse Source Problems for Wave Equations " between March 2–9, 2022,by Professor Peijun Li, Purdue University. It will provide some recent developments on inverse source problems for wave equations.
一、About the short course
1. Lecturer:Professor Peijun Li
2. Institute:Purdue University
3. Title:Inverse Source Problems for Wave Equations
4. Time:March 2–9, 2022
5. Prerequisites:Basic knowledge of PDEs and functional analysis.
6. Teaching material:No textbook is required. Lecture notes will be made available to students.
二、Content and Schedule
As an important topic in inverse scattering theory, inverse source problems have significant applications in diverse scientific areas such as medical imaging. The course will provide introductory material and address some recent developments on inverse source problems for wave equations. Tentative topics include nonradiating sources, nonuniqueness and uniqueness, stability in homogeneous and inhomogeneous media.
1. Preliminaries
2. Nonradiating Sources and Uniqueness
3. Stability in a homogeneous medium
4. Stability in inhomogeneous media
Date |
Beijing Time |
Tencent meeting ID |
March 2 |
9:00-11:00 am |
Meeting ID:418-715-063, Password:220302 |
March 4 |
9:00-11:00 am |
Meeting ID:490-983-201, Password:220304 |
March 7 |
9:00-11:00 am |
Meeting ID:488-321-736, Password:220307 |
March 9 |
9:00-11:00 am |
Meeting ID:201-891-271, Password:220309 |
三、About the Lecturer
Peijun Li is Professor of Mathematics at Purdue University. He received his PhD from Michigan State University in 2005. Li’s research area is applied and computational mathematics with focuses on modeling, analysis, and computation of the direct and inverse scattering problems in complex and random environments.
四、Contact us
If you have any question, please contact us.
Website: http:// tianyuanmc.jlu.edu.cn
Address:Room 315, Math building, Jilin University,
No.2699 Qianjin Street, Changchun City